• 浙江鼎德科技有限公司
  • 展位号B068
  • 展品范围卷管器和油类加注产品
  • ZHEJIANG DINDE TECH. CO., LTD was established in 2007, and located in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, China. Now we havefollowing 3different Brands:DMECL is the brand of our hose reel and lubrication equipment. AUBACA is our brand of cordless tools. Our products are widely us 详细介绍
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    地址/Add: 中国浙江省金华市婺城区汤溪镇经发街1100

    电话/Tel: 0086-579-87712256  18358936018


    邮箱/E-mail: emily@dmecl.com

    京禾展览@京尚国际会展有限公司 京ICP备2021003092号